We are Christian people brought together from different churches in and around the Edgeley area, as well as Christians connected to Redeeming Our Communities (ROC) from around Greater Manchester and Cheshire. This doesn’t mean that only people from these areas can come along, all are welcome if that person feels a calling of prayer to support the Olive ROC Centre and all of its projects.
The group at present consists of prayers from varying prayer backgrounds, from the quiet prayers to the noisy walking around kind of prayers. We meet once a month for half an hour (just before the Centre opens). We normally meet on the first Tuesday of the month, 9.00-9.30am but do check on the Calendar.
We seek God, through His Holy Spirit, to guide us to the needs of the Centre, and to those associated to it. It has been known for us to pray for individuals, who may work at the Centre, or sometimes pray for someone in the group. Whatever the prayer need, these are always vibrant times where each of us know that we have met with Jesus